

Im Role Models Podcast sprechen Isa und David ganz offen und tiefgründig mit mutigen Frauen über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, Erkenntnisse, und die vielen Facetten, die das Leben ausmachen.

Unsere Gespräche sollen dich inspirieren, ermutigen und dir neue Perspektiven öffnen. 

Alle Folgen findest du auf Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud und überall dort, wo es Podcasts gibt.

  • English only
  • TV, Music, Fashion & Film

Episode #4 – Liisa Pierce Fiedelholtz

Liisa Pierce Fiedelholtz is the former Senior Vice President of Supply Chain and Sourcing for Ann Inc., a holding company of women's fashion retailers. In this episode, Liisa reflects on her work of three decades in the industry and shares a series of things she has learned: how to negotiate, how to sell, how to manage and lead, how to speak in public.

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Episode #1 – Jillian Mercado

Jillian Mercado is an American-Dominican fashion model and one of the few professionals in the industry who has a physical disability. As an activist, she advocates for more diversity in the fashion industry.

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