

Im Role Models Podcast sprechen Isa und David ganz offen und tiefgründig mit mutigen Frauen über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, Erkenntnisse, und die vielen Facetten, die das Leben ausmachen.

Unsere Gespräche sollen dich inspirieren, ermutigen und dir neue Perspektiven öffnen. 

Alle Folgen findest du auf Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud und überall dort, wo es Podcasts gibt.

  • Language
  • Leadership

Episode #5 – Cindy Holland

Cindy Holland is the Vice President of Orignal Content at Netflix where she's responsible for all creative development and business aspects of some of our favorite shows like House of Cards, Chef's Table, Orange Is The New Black, and many more original series, comedy, and documentary series.

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Episode #2 – Kate Burson

Kate Burson plays a key role in the energy sector of the state of New York and the East Coast of the United States. She currently leads the market development for Tesla Energy for the North East of the U.S. and prior to joining Tesla, she was the Chief of Staff to the Chairman of Energy and Finance for the state.

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