Nakeema Stefflbauer – Event #2

Nakeema Stefflbauer – Event #2

20. Mai 2015 – SoundCloud HQ

Nakeema is a writer, software project manager and business co-owner who currently works at Project Zeta Germany as Customer Support Lead in Berlin.

About Nakeema

Dr. Nakeema Stefflbauer earned degrees in Modern Middle East History from Harvard University, with a focus on migration & integration. In 2000, she changed careers from research to leading eLearning software projects for clients such as New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), and for New York University School of Continuing & Professional Studies.

After 15+ years of launching e-Commerce, ERP, and mobile software projects in the US, Canada, and Europe, Dr. Stefflbauer created the initial program for the ReDI School of Digital Integration and led the Refugees on Rails Berlin chapter. Seeing unmet need with the massive influx of foreign nationals to Germany, and high demand for talent in the tech sector, she founded FrauenLoop to address the exclusion of immigrant and refugee women (as well as women with children), from the tech industry at large.

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